Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Well, Hello

I have been reading so many blogs for such a long time. I love them. Everything about reading them and learning about people who I have never met, yet feel like I know. I've started a blog about 5 times each time letting it go because of one small thing... The title. I never felt confident in the blog title I would choose. Finally, FINALLY I have found one that is Perfect! How I didn't think of it sooner is beyond me, but here I am with a brand spankin new blog and a title that fits just right.

Husband and babies are all in bed. This is about the only time of day I have to myself to read, write, catch up on my DVR recordings, etc.  Me time is something I never even thought of until I had a family and now that I do it's in these moments that I can sit with a glass of wine and whatever else I choose to do at the time and really just reflect on my day, my week, what I'm gonna wear tomorrow. You know, girl things.

Tonight it's me and my wine and this shiny new blog. I've really gotta start writing down blog ideas I have. Even prior to  having a blog but with every intention of starting one I was always coming up with this idea and that idea, yet when I sit here in front of the blank white page for some reason my mind goes blank and every one of those "for sure to be amazing!" blog ideas bounces out of my brain.
So tonight I am just letting my thoughts free flow. Boring? Perhaps. But something none the less.

Tomorrow is Jacks very first Valentines exchange at school and I think I may be just as excited as he is to see what kind of loot he will acquire! As a kid I remember always being so overly excited for this holiday. Not because I had a boyfriend but because I loved all of the goodies! Candy, no candy, sparkles, no sparkles, Who cares! It was a bunch of sweet little cards from everyone in class. This is one of those things I love so much about being a Mama. Having the opportunity to share in my children's excitement and reminisce about my own at that age. So fun.

I think baby girl may start walking a-n-y day now. She stands on her own for a few seconds before tumbling to the floor, she pushes the kitchen chairs and rocking chair all over the place and shes walking all around our furniture. She's just yet to take off. Jack was 15 months before he walked, she will be 13 months tomorrow and I'm almost certain it's going to happen at any given moment. It's so exciting watching her grow and witnessing all of the things she learns on what seems to be, a daily basis. Yet, at the same time I feel my heart strings being tugged at constantly at seeing just how quickly both of my babies are growing up. Time goes way too quickly.

Just a couple insights...
Currently reading:
Four Hour Body which is totally changing every eating habit or diet I have had or tried.
Gone Girl I just started this one, I have heard allot of positive hype about it so we shall see.
Wheat Belly just downloaded this onto my Kindle.
Bitch in the kitch pretty excited to start making some of the food in this cookbook. Good and good for you!

Clearly, I am on a health kick! I've got 70lbs to lose and this is my year! Started yesterday, this morning I was down 2lbs. Excited to see what tomorrow will bring.

I'm really excited to be blogging. Finally.


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